According to a BCCI media statement on Friday (October 20), Hardik Pandya will not be traveling to Dharamsala with the team in advance of their match against New Zealand due to an injury he suffered to his left ankle during the encounter against Bangladesh in Pune.
The all-rounder has been told to rest and “will be under the constant supervision of the BCCI Medical Team” after scans on his damaged ankle. When India plays England in Lucknow, he is expected to rejoin the team.
He attempted to stop the ball with his leg on the follow-through during the ninth over of the game, which is when the injury happened. After he hobbled off, Virat Kohli eventually finished the over.
Pandya had returned to the field following scans, and it is believed that he would have batted if required. Nevertheless, India won the match by seven wickets, easily defeating Bangladesh’s 257-run mark.
The World Cup leaders New Zealand will play undefeated India on October 22 at the Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association Stadium. They will have six days off before their match in Lucknow’s Ekana Stadium against the reigning champions, England.