Sixers’ appeal denied; Tom Curran’s suspension to remain in effect

All-rounder Tom Curran’s four-match ban in the 2023–24 Big Bash League is going to stay in place, adding to his suffering, as the Cricket Australia review board turned down an appeal from the Sydney Sixers. This implies that the Sixers won’t be able to use the all-around player until January 3.

Big Bash Leagues General Manager Alistair Dobson said in a statement that “umpires are part of the lifeblood of cricket and it is essential they are respected and appreciated by players at all levels of the game.”

“We’re glad to see Tom back wearing Sixers colors and appreciate the regret he expressed after the appeal.

“Tom has been a long-time contributor to the BBL and is a clear fan-favorite and someone we hope will continue to play an integral role in the competition moving forward.”

After Curran was found guilty of a Level 3 infraction by the governing body’s code of conduct, his ban began on December 11. Subsequent video evidence showed the England bowler rehearsing his run-up on the surface that will be used for the match, which is obviously against section 6.3 of the BBL rules. Curran did receive the appropriate warning from fourth umpire Muhammad Qureshi, but he seemed displeased at the suggestion and carried on with the performance, nearly running into the umpire on his next run-up.

The match referee, Bob Parry, charged Curran shortly afterward for “intimidation or attempted intimidation of an umpire, match referee, or medical personnel whether by language or conduct (including gestures) during a match” by Article 2.17 of the code of conduct. Despite Curran’s decision to contest the accusations, he was found guilty.

“I was concentrating on my pre-match preparation when I had an unexpected conversation with Umpire Qureshi. “I was unprepared for the ensuing standoff,” Curran declared in a formal declaration.

“I apologize for my response to it and the harm it caused to Umpire Qureshi, the Sydney Sixers, and me personally.

“Like my run up at the other end, I always intended to veer off to Umpire Qureshi’s right. I never thought I would run into him, or that he would assume that was my goal. On second thought, though, I should have moved my run up about a meter to the left. If the circumstance came up again, I wouldn’t act in the same way. 

“I am genuinely sorry that I chose to continue to practice my run-up in the direction of Umpire Qureshi and if he ever thought I sought to make physical contact with him.”

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