At a launch event in Lahore, Pakistan announced their uniform for the forthcoming ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023. On Monday, August 28, a lavish event at Gaddafi Stadium in Lahore unveiled the “Star Nation Jersey.” Mr. Zaka Ashraf, the Chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) Management Committee, presided over the ceremony.
According to the PCB, the idea of the “Star Nation Jersey” represents a deep bond between Pakistan’s cricketing legends and their devoted supporters.
The design of the shirt was inspired by heavenly bodies, where each star stands for greatness, aspiration, and the dazzling brilliance of cricketing accomplishments. Every Pakistani cricket fan would identify with this design’s quality.
“The Star Nation Jersey is a testament to the strong link that exists between our players and the devoted supporters who support them during every match. The Chairman of the PCB Management Committee, Ashraf, claimed that this jersey “encapsulates our rich cricketing heritage and the luminous future that awaits.”
The PCB Director-Commercial, Mr. Usman Waheed, also expressed his views on the significant significance of the newly created jersey: “The Star Nation Jersey is more than simply a uniform; it’s a work of art filled with tales of struggles and victories.
The steadfast support of our supporters and the illustrious legacy of our cricketing heroes are symbolized by each star on this shirt. To make sure that wearing this jersey would inspire genuine pride in every Pakistani, every aspect has been meticulously designed.